Clarksville Visitation Lawyers
Determining Visitation Rights in Tennessee
During a typical visitation session, you will be able to spend time with your child as if you had shared child custody rights during that time. You, your ex-spouse, and your child will all meet to spend time together, with the amount of time varying depending on the visitation agreement or order the court ultimately decides is “in the child’s best interests.” There might also be language in the agreement that describes what can and cannot be done during visitation.
Visitation can be granted based on a schedule or for specific days. For example, visitation can be:
- Each weekend
- Once a month
- For all birthdays
- For major family holidays
- For important get-togethers
- Any combination of the above
If there is any reason for the family court to believe you may be a negative influence on your child, then you might be granted supervised visitation only. During supervised visitation, a third-party family counselor may need to be there. Or, at the least, you might only be able to visit your child in a public space. All of the details of visitation are case-by-case, so it is important to discuss matters thoroughly with our Clarksville visitation lawyers to get a better understanding of the situation.
Call (931) 283-2311 to team up with Goble & Yow Attorneys, PLLC to discuss setting up a fair and reasonable visitation schedule.
See Your Child & Live Your Best Life
No parent wants to be separated from their child for long, but that is exactly what can happen when visitation schedules are not established correctly or fairly. Protect your rights as a parent of divorce by calling our visitation attorneys in Clarksville. Together, we can find a solution that benefits all parties, especially your child.
Why should you choose us to help with your visitation case?
- Reputable among local courts and legal circles
- Track record of success for our clients
- 35+ years of total legal experience
When you come to our law firm, you will see that we treat all our clients like close friends in need because that is how we see you. Our visitation attorneys genuinely want to see you and your child together after your divorce, no matter how contentious it may have been at the time. In fact, Tennessee family law courts typically want to establish a visitation schedule, but it might be your ex-spouse that stands in the way of one. We can protect and uphold your best interests, no matter who is opposing or complicating your visitation rights.
Contact us at (931) 283-2311 to begin your visitation case.